Project: Community Choice Credit Union

You made my job easier and reduced the impact and interruption for our employees and, most importantly, our credit union customers.”


Community Choice Credit Union



Consolidation of Community Choice Credit Union and Research Federal Credit Union from various facilities into a new 42,000 SF building. Managing a full interior build-out in a phased construction schedule.


Our Roles:

Owner’s Representative

Relocation Specialist

Key Responsibilities:

Overseeing overall project budget and timing. Completing a design build RFP and new furniture RFP, and managing several phased moves.



Developing department locations and required adjacencies for best utilization of space.


Maintaining project budget, construction quality and project timing.


Moving various locations and work functions into new building based on phased construction timing with minimal client downtime.


Solutions Summary:

Participated in department interviews and numerous design reviews to assist in determining space allocation and furniture placement.


Lead weekly cross-functional team meetings to ensure all groups were on task and maintaining project timing.


Brought the project in under budget and maintained a zero downtime project goal.